Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

by Gina

So I know the day is practically over, but I wanted to wish all 7 of our readers a Happy Easter!

Also, I wanted to brag. See, my not-so-smooth, super-mega-cheap boyfriend N FINALLY bought a ring. No, I am not engaged yet. I know he bought it though because he ordered it online (this is me crossing my fingers that he did not buy it on eBay) and had it delivered to my house on Saturday. I was all "What's in the box?" but he oh-so-slickly replied "Noottthhiinngg...." like a 5-year-old. I begged him to let me see it so he flashed a picture of it that came with the appraisal. From the millisecond flash I think I made out a gorgeous emerald cut diamond solitaire. That'll do N. That'll do.

So even though I am not officially engaged, I am pretty sure I am now justified in all those hours spent watching Amazing Wedding Cakes, Platinum Weddings and Bridezillas, as they can now be counted as wedding research.

Also, it's amazing what a diamond ring will let a boy get away with. In fact, when we got ready to go to my parents' house for Easter and he emerged wearing this:
I just shrugged and said "Well, that's true and at least you finally have something in common with my dad."


Sarah RDH said...

Congrats on N buying the ring. But not being engaged yet. My neighbor told me when my hubs bought my ring, but that's another story. lol

what's wrong w the t-shirt? I wore the SAME ONE to my family easter dinners.

twononblondes said...

The more I think about it, this shirt was definitely more appropriate than my brother-in-law's Ed Hardy tee paired with khaki shorts and tennis shoes.

Sarah RDH said...

bahahahaa!! Is your BIL Jon Gosselin???

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